Mission Statement
Fesser and Friends is an American-based non-profit organization with the mission to END THE CYCLE OF CHILD SOLDIER AND SEX WORKER RECRUITMENT IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO. Our focus is to ensure the safety, psychological and physical well-being of children affected by indiscriminate violence in Eastern DRC.
What We Are Doing To Help
In the midst of ongoing war, disease and poverty, we at Fesser and Friends have teamed up with the local non-profit, World Hope Givers, to create a small yet dedicated safe haven for children orphaned by the ongoing violence ravaging the East of the country. At our center we are isolating our children from violence and conflict by providing them with a safe and nurturing environment where they can thrive, play and grow.
Working together with WHG we help identify and care for high-risk children by sending locally trained staff into areas affected by conflict and instability. We have managed to identify dozens of orphans that are at high risk of becoming malnourished, abused, and/or recruited as child soldiers or sex workers by rebel militias. At our center we now currently house, feed, love, educate, and care for twenty of these children.
Whether this is your first time visiting us or are a regular contributor, we thank you for your looking us up and for supporting our work. We can't do this without you.
We Need Your Help
Without this center and without your support, all of these children would have been forced to continue to survive on the streets, putting them at risk for trafficking, famine, disease, military recruitment, and even death. As our local staff member and site director Freddy often says, "this place is the last resort, without us I'm not sure these kids would still be here today."